You are welcome to a short course to help Find the Way. The sessions will be arr...
Bible teaching, children’s and young people’s groups. First Sunday of month: sho...
New mums and babies Thurs 9.30-10.30amOlder toddlers with parents Thurs 10.30-1...
TERM STARTS TUES 7TH SEPT Tues: 5.00-6.00pm (Rainbow Kids) 6.15-7.30pm (Spectrum...
A caring, educational, friendly environment for pre-school children. Se...
Baby & Toddler Group. All parents/carers and 0-3 year old children welcome....
TERM STARTS FRIDAY 10TH SEPTEMBERFridays Yrs 7&8 @ 7.00-8.30pmYrs 9+ @ 8.00-...
Rainbow Kids - Tues 5-6pm Spectrum Tues 6-7pm Youth Clubs yr7-8 Friday 7-8pm Yrs...
Relaxed dinner and Bible study for Yr 7+ Monthly Weds 6:00-8:00 pmFor more infor...