Person-Centred SUPPORT


We provide person-centred support, working with each individual to discover their strengths and rebuild their lives from homelessness.

Most homeless people will have experienced traumatic life events in the lead-up to becoming homeless, meaning that their challenges are not simply ‘housing’ and they suffer deep social exclusion due to a combination of complex needs.

Paramount to this work is operating a flexible, intuitive, and person-centred approach, through tailored support plans, activities and courses centred around improving personal and social skills and developing coping mechanisms for living well and independently.

All AMAT UK residents develop support and risk management plans with their allocated Support Workers.

This focuses on those areas below that are relevant to that particular individual:

Sessions Run

Monday morning, Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning, Friday morning

Contact details

Organisation AMAT UK
Contact name General Enquires
Address 10, Chelmar Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4PB, United Kingdom
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